

Lirik Lagu Drive - Akulah Dia. Buat yang lagi nyari lirik lagu Drive "Akulah Dia" berikut liriknya :

Tak pernah berhenti mencari cinta
Slalu saja ada yang tak kamu suka
Terlalu jauh engkau melihat
coba rasakan Yang ada di sekitarmu

Sesungguhnya dia ada didekatmu
Tapi kau tak pernah menyadari itu
Dia slalu menunggumu
untuk nyatakan cinta

Sesungguhnya dia adalah diriku
Lebih dari sekedar teman dekatmu
Berhentilah mencari
karena kau tlah menemukannya

Dia mungkin bukan manusia sempurna
Tapi dia selalu ada untukmu

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lirik lagu akulah dia

I am he

Drive lyrics - I am he. Create a more nyari Drive lyrics "I am he" follows the lyrics:

Never stop looking for love
Slalu course there are not you like
Too far away you see
try to feel What's around

Surely he's didekatmu
But you never realized it
He's waiting for you slalu
to express love

Indeed he is me
More than just your close friend
Stop looking
because you find it tlah

He's probably not the perfect man
But he's always there for you

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poems for friends

friends .....
console me with your laughter jokes
accompany if I'm sad
Do not you leave me
because I did not want
losing my true friend
that there is always there whenever

friends ...
I want
you were my true friends ...
which is in my heart forever

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