
pengalaman jadi osis

Ternyata jadi osis gak semudah yang aku kira.....Waktu SMP c aku males banget sama yang namanya jadi osis...Tapi sekarang aku baru merasakan, ada seneng dan susahnya jadi osis..
Senangnya aku dapat tambah pengetahuan, terus diberi kepercayaan buat mengajar..Susahnya kalau kita tidak bisa menjaga amanah yg di berikan oleh guru
Kemaren waktu ngampu MOS anak-anak saja aku bingung hehehe...
tapi asyik juga

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experience so osis

It turned out to be osis gak difficult than I thought ..... Marked by intellectual Time SMP c I worried whether the name is so osis ... But now I feel new, so there Nek and difficult .. osis
I could easily have added knowledge, continues to be taught .. trust was difficult until we are able to maintain the trust given by the teacher's
Udah time ngampu MOS children alone, I wonder ... hehehe
but also fun

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Multimedia adalah penggunaan komputer untuk menyajikan dan menggabungkan teks, suara, gambar, animasi dan video dengan alat bantu ([tool]) dan koneksi ([link]) sehingga pengguna dapat ber-([navigasi]), berinteraksi, berkarya dan berkomunikasi. Multimedia sering digunakan dalam dunia hiburan. Selain dari dunia hiburan, Multimedia juga diadopsi oleh dunia Game.

Multimedia dimanfaatkan juga dalam dunia pendidikan dan bisnis. Di dunia pendidikan, multimedia digunakan sebagai media pengajaran, baik dalam kelas maupun secara sendiri-sendiri. Di dunia bisnis, multimedia digunakan sebagai media profil perusahaan, profil produk, bahkan sebagai media kios informasi dan pelatihan dalam sistem e-learning.

Pada awalnya multimedia hanya mencakup media yang menjadi konsumsi indra penglihatan (gambar diam, teks, gambar gerak video, dan gambar gerak rekaan/animasi), dan konsumsi indra pendengaran (suara). Dalam perkembangannya multimedia mencakup juga kinetik (gerak) dan bau yang merupakan konsupsi indra penciuman. Multimedia mulai memasukkan unsur kinetik sejak diaplikasikan pada pertunjukan film 3 dimensi yang digabungkan dengan gerakan pada kursi tempat duduk penonton. Kinetik dan film 3 dimensi membangkitkan sens rialistis.

Bau mulai menjadi bagian dari multimedia sejak ditemukan teknologi reproduksi bau melalui telekomunikasi. Dengan perangkat input penditeksi bau, seorang operator dapat mengirimkan hasil digitizing bau tersebut melalui internet. Pada komputer penerima harus tersedia perangkat output berupa mesin reproduksi bau. Mesin reproduksi bau ini mencampurkan berbagai jenis bahan bau yang setelah dicampur menghasilkan output berupa bau yang mirip dengan data yang dikirim dari internet. Dengan menganalogikan dengan printer, alat ini menjadikan feromon-feromor bau sebagai pengganti tinta. Output bukan berupa cetakan melainkan aroma.

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Isi HatiQ

Kapan penderitaan ini akan berakhir???suka ama orang pi orange gag pernah ngrti,,
mo ngomong langsung e takutttt,,,g5n eaaahhhhh????
ooohh Tuhan berikan Aq kekuatan menghadapi mua ne??Cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan....
Mungkin Peoatah ntu benar.."Cinta Tak Harus Memilki" n itu mungkin terjadi padaQ..
Aq selalu b'doa..moga orang yang aq sk bz ngrtnQ...

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Lirik Lagu Drive - Akulah Dia. Buat yang lagi nyari lirik lagu Drive "Akulah Dia" berikut liriknya :

Tak pernah berhenti mencari cinta
Slalu saja ada yang tak kamu suka
Terlalu jauh engkau melihat
coba rasakan Yang ada di sekitarmu

Sesungguhnya dia ada didekatmu
Tapi kau tak pernah menyadari itu
Dia slalu menunggumu
untuk nyatakan cinta

Sesungguhnya dia adalah diriku
Lebih dari sekedar teman dekatmu
Berhentilah mencari
karena kau tlah menemukannya

Dia mungkin bukan manusia sempurna
Tapi dia selalu ada untukmu

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lirik lagu akulah dia

I am he

Drive lyrics - I am he. Create a more nyari Drive lyrics "I am he" follows the lyrics:

Never stop looking for love
Slalu course there are not you like
Too far away you see
try to feel What's around

Surely he's didekatmu
But you never realized it
He's waiting for you slalu
to express love

Indeed he is me
More than just your close friend
Stop looking
because you find it tlah

He's probably not the perfect man
But he's always there for you

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poems for friends

friends .....
console me with your laughter jokes
accompany if I'm sad
Do not you leave me
because I did not want
losing my true friend
that there is always there whenever

friends ...
I want
you were my true friends ...
which is in my heart forever

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Friendship Poem

oleh Content Team

Beautiful Friendship

There is no clear pearls of love ..

Smooth as silk no affection ..

Nothing sacred as the dew sincerity ..

And there is no relationship of friendship beautiful ..

Companions not

Mathematical value that can be counted ..

ECONOMIC which expects the material ..

PPKN required by law ..


Friends of the HISTORY that can be remembered for all time ..

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Want to know How to Make a virus whether it is a computer virus or cell phone because the way it works is easy kok Create Virus almost the same. It's just that the difference in the programming code and the way the virus who had been working so later. But yes please on the recall does not recommend the True Friend How to Make a virus is intended to do something about things that harm others, such as sowing the virus in the internet cafe, etc campus lab.
You remember Aksika not with viruses, Virus "open source" that one really has a lot of kinds. No wonder because the source code is provided free on the Internet, so anyone can easily modify and change the source code and there was a new kind of How to Make a Virus.
Starting from the convenience of that, many How to Make a Virus or newbi programmers try to make a virus without the need for extra effort. Just needed only knowledge about the operating system and computer programming course.
But convenience is not the worst, when compared with using the application generator virus. From the name alone, we've been able to think the usefulness of the application. Yes, Virus Generator is an application to be able to make the virus easily and instantly.
Starting from the example of a virus transmitted by the reader quite a lot to us. PC Media Antivirus Gen.FFE-known by the name of Dawn, but there are also other antivirus Brontok.D call it by name. With a simple investigation ultimately found that the virus was made from the Virus Generator.
Fast Firus Engine (FFE)
How to Make a Virus Generator Creator is calling it with a homemade application Firus Fast Engines. As shown in the application or website creators, she was informed that this application only for the purpose of learning and not for destructive actions. Still, if this application has fallen into the wrong hands, would be used for destruction.

Virus Generator was created using Visual Basic and compressed using a packer-tELock. In the package there are two files, namely Fast Firus Engine.exe and data.ex_. Fast Firus Engine. exe is a major application in the manufacture of the virus and temporary files data.exe. Is actually the original virus is not before the body change.
When files Fast Firus Engine.exe run, then How to Create Virus users will be faced with an interface. You just told to fill in the name of the virus, a maker, and his message. Then by pressing the Generate button, then you become a virus.
How to Make a Virus from these generators are actually very simple. He just adds of data you inserted to the end of the original virus file (data.ex_). Later this information is used by the virus infection process.
How to Make a virus infects?
Virus creation FFE does look simple. Just as the generator, he also created using Visual Basic in Native Code compile it with the method. Then the compressed using tELock order size smaller. This virus has the original size of 55 296 bytes.
How To Make Virus infect?
Virus creation FFE does look simple. Just as the generator, he also created using Visual Basic in Native Code compile it with the method. Then the compressed using tELock order size smaller. This virus has the original size of 55 296 bytes.
When the virus first executed, it will create several master files in several locations. Like in the directory \% WINDOWS% \, will have a file with nama.exe, Win32 exe, activex.exe, and% virusname% (the name of the virus is loaded by the manufacturer based on the Generator). In \% WINDOWS% \% system32% \ will have files copy.pif, _default.pif, and surif.bin. In addition, How to Make a Virus also change or create Oeminfo.ini file is part of the System Properties. So if your computer is infected by the virus results generated from FFE, it will have on the System Properties it says "Generated by Fast Firus Engine".
In the directory \% WINDOWS% \% System% \ will have some parent file again using the same name as the file system of Windows, such as csrss.exe, winlogon.exe, lsass.exe, smss.exe, svchost. exe, and winlogon.exe.
And do not forget, for the root drive will have a file named "read euy.txt" contain messages from the virus creator. So when creating the viruses by using the generator, then the manufacturer will be presented with several input boxes, such as the Author How to Make a Virus, Name of the virus, and Messages. Now, the contents of this message box will appear in the file "read euy.txt" The
After the virus managed to move the file to their parent in the system, he will run the files parent before, so that in memory there will be some process of viruses, such as csrss.exe, winlogon.exe, lsass. exe, smss.exe, svchost.exe, and winlogon.exe. Process name similar to the process / services belong to Windows is possible deliberately to deceive the user. To distinguish it, you can see the path or location of such a process is executed. Process virus usually runs in the system temporary directory processes / services of running Windows who usually comes from the System32 directory.
How to Make a Virus to Change Registry.
The virus is added some startup items in registry so when you start running it can be automatically or to change the settings of Windows to suit his desire. Information about the registry was changed will not be able to easily look for in an encrypted state.
What he is such change Userinit value of the item by adding a parameter to the parent file. At key HKEY_CURRENT_ USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Windows \ Load also be modified to point to an item with the name of the parent file Activex.exe. In the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ will have a new item with a present. Key HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ will have new items as well with the default name and% username%, username here is the current user's name at that time.
Virus generated from the FFE results also change the extension to the shell. Exe file, ie by changing the type of information from the Application to File Folder. Setting the Options folder is also modified so as not to show the extension and each fi le with attributes hidden. And that can be active in safe-mode, he also changed the value of the item SafeBoot.
With the help of registry Image File Execution Options, this virus also adds a new item on the section with the name of cmd.exe, msconfi g.exe, regedit.exe and taskmgr.exe. The point is that each user when accessing the application with a file name like that, it will be bypassed by Windows and transferred to the parent files for viruses.
How to Make a Virus Viruses Spread?
This virus can spread through the data storage media such as flash disks. When we plug the flash disk on the infected computer, then on the flash disk there will be several new files, like explorer.exe,% virusname%. Exe, and msvbvm60.dll. Also some support files such as desktop.ini, autorun.inf so that he dapatrunning automatically when accessing the flash disk.
Other virus files were stored in a new directory in the flash disk with a file containing the names Recycled Firus.pif and folder.htt. All of these virus files hidden in a condition that is not visible.
How To Virus in Action?
To be able to survive, the virus will try to block any unwanted applications such as tools or applications including antivirus PCMAV. Just as dataregistry that changed, the data on any applications that are blocked by it also occurs in the body in an encrypted state.
So, when the computer virus was already in memory, he will monitor every application being accessed by the user, ie by reading the names of files and also caption Window. Some antivirus program name that will try to dibloknya is nav.exe, avgcc.exe, njeeves.exe, ccapps.exe, ccapp.exe, kav.exe, nvcoas.exe, avp32.exe, and much more. Includes several application setup or installer also can not be infected computer dijalanaknpada
Prevention and How to Make a Virus?

PC Media Antivirus RC19 can clean the infected computer completely and accurately 100% of each virus was made by using Fast Firus Generator. To avoid action against PCMAV block the virus, please rename the file first instance PCMAV PCMAV-CLN.EXE become MERDEKA.EXE (
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if you love someone because he's smart, it is not love but admiration
if you love someone because he was cute, that's not love but greed
if you love someone because he's good, it is not love but a sense of gratitude
jka you love someone because of his rank, it is not love but money grubber

if you love someone but you do not know why you love her, that's real love

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wonderful human being as moral
beautiful moon because the light
beautiful face for a smile
beautiful godly faith
liver due to wonderful loving

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what is lOve??

Cinta itu seperti agama yang butuh kepercayaan
seperti PPKn eang slg toleransi
spt bahasa yang pny arti
seperti sejarah yang memiliki masa lalu
seperti matematika yg btuh perhitungan

spT fisika yg mempny daya trik
sprt sosiologi yg slg interakksi
Spt seni bth ketrampilan
pi apkh cinta spt PEnjaskes??yang bth praktek?
tp yang pzt cinta spert bahasa daerah
yg perlu tata krama n spn santun

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love poem

if you love someone
not too much
because we could not hate

if we mambenci someone
not too much because
we can so we love him

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the virgin lirikz

Lirik Lagu The Virgin
belahan jiwa

ShareKau always in the hearts
Always blossomed in my soul
You will not forget me
In my life forever

ooo .. Memories of you
Together in my blood
Will never be erased when

Ooo, My heart is happy
When you're on the side
Do not want you to go again
Left me

Ooo my soul Hemisphere
Hollow life
If you go away

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jika kita mencintai seseorg
janganlah terlalu berlbihan
cz suatu saat bisa saja kita akan membencinjya

jika kita membenci seseorg
janganlah terlalu membencinya
cz bisa jd kita mencintainya


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eehhmm ban apa hayooooo yang paling besar????


jawabnya BANDUNG dunkzzzzzzzzz........

lele apa yang disukai ibu-ibu???????

apa eaaaaaaaaaa?????
jawabnya lelenovela alias telenovela...wahahahahaha

koran yunior...

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